How CBD Could Revolutionise Your Cat and Dog’s Health!

In recent years, there’s been a surge in the popularity of CBD (Cannabidiol) products, not just for human consumption, but also for our beloved pets.

Pet owners across the globe are turning to these cannabis-derived products, with high CBD and low THC content, to alleviate a range of conditions in their pets, from pain and inflammation to seizures.

However, the scientific community is still catching up with this trend, and the research on the efficacy of CBD for pets is in its nascent stages.

The Science Behind CBD for Dogs

The scientific exploration of CBD’s effects on pets is still in its early stages, and there’s a dearth of peer-reviewed research on the subject. However, a few studies have begun to shed light on this matter.

A notable study from Cornell University found that a hemp-based CBD product significantly reduced pain and improved mobility in dogs suffering from arthritis. Over 80% of the dogs in the study showed remarkable improvement, a promising result that has sparked interest in further research.

However, it’s crucial to remember that this is just one study, and more research is needed to validate these findings and explore the potential of CBD in treating other conditions in pets.

Cats and CBD

Whilst there is limited scientific data at this time about treating cats with CBD, there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence and I have myself seen an ill cat have its life extended with the use of CBD oil.

Cats have endocannabinoid systems too, and there are now for example cat treats that contain CBD making it easier to administer the CBD to our fussy feline friends.

Some research has been done about give increasing amounts of cannabis oils to healthy cats. The oils contained different substances found in cannabis: CBD, THC, or a mix of both. The researchers divided 20 cats into five groups. Two groups were given fake treatments (placebos), and the other three groups were given the real cannabis oils.

The results showed that all the cats could safely handle the highest amounts of CBD and THC given to them. Any side effects the cats experienced were mild and didn’t last long. They didn’t need any medical help to recover.

Side effects were more common with oils that contained THC and a type of oil called medium-chain triglyceride oil. There were no significant changes in the cats’ blood tests.

This is the first study of its kind to look at how safe it is to give cats CBD and THC, either separately or together. The findings will help vets understand how safe these substances are for cats, especially if they’re thinking about using CBD as a treatment or if a cat accidentally eats something containing THC.

The Legal CBD Landscape

The legal status of CBD products for pets is indeed a complex issue, not just in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom and across Europe.

In many states in the US, even if recreational cannabis is legal, veterinarians are not legally allowed to prescribe or recommend cannabis products for pets.

Each state has its own veterinary board, which adheres to federal law concerning medical cannabis.

This legal quagmire often leaves pet owners in a bind, unable to seek professional advice on the use of CBD for their pets. Advocacy for changes in these laws is ongoing, with veterinarians like Dr. Gary Richter leading the charge in the US.

In the United Kingdom, the situation is similarly complex. While CBD products are legal for human use, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) has stated that veterinary products containing CBD are considered veterinary medicines and should be regulated as such.

This means that any CBD product marketed for pets must have a marketing authorisation from the VMD before it can be sold. As of now, no CBD products for pets have been granted this authorisation in the UK, leaving pet owners and veterinarians in a difficult position.

Across Europe, the legal landscape varies from country to country. In some countries, such as Austria and Germany, CBD is legal and can be prescribed by veterinarians for pets. However, in other countries, the laws are less clear, and in some cases, CBD is still considered a controlled substance.

This patchwork of laws across different countries makes it challenging for pet owners to know what is legal and safe for their pets.

It also hampers research into the potential benefits of CBD for pets, as researchers must navigate these complex legal landscapes. It’s clear that a more harmonised approach to the regulation of CBD products for pets is needed, both within countries and internationally.

Potential Applications – A World of Possibilities

The potential applications of CBD for pets are vast. From pain and inflammation to anxiety and seizures, there’s a wide range of conditions that CBD might benefit in pets.

Some cat and dog owners have even reported seeing benefits in areas such as stress, gastrointestinal issues, and cancer.

However, it’s important to remember that these are anecdotal reports, and rigorous scientific research is needed to substantiate these claims. As research progresses, we may discover even more conditions that could be effectively managed with CBD.

Ensuring the Well-being of Our Pets

While the potential benefits of CBD for pets are exciting, it’s crucial to prioritise the safety of our furry friends.

There have been instances of dogs developing adverse reactions after oral exposure to cannabis edibles.

As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to ensure the safe administration of CBD products to our pets.

This includes proper dosing, monitoring for any adverse reactions, and seeking professional advice when needed.

Emerging CBD science

The use of CBD for pets is a rapidly evolving field, filled with potential. One recent study shows how just one dose of CBD can reduce stress in dogs during separation or car travel.

There is also encouraging research on seizure reductions in dogs using CBD.

With further research and a more accommodating legal landscape, CBD could open up a new world of possibilities for improving the health and well-being of our pets.

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