Liberty Haze Grow Report

In the Western world, we enjoy a time of unprecedented personal liberties: freedom of speech, political and occupational choice, movement, and unlimited access to global goods via the internet.

However, these liberties are juxtaposed with societies grappling with racism, right-wing extremism, populism, and autocratic ambitions of world leaders.

In light of this, the strain “Liberty Haze” evokes a mix of hopeful and somber thoughts. But the latter are optimistically dispelled upon inhaling the euphoric smoke of Liberty Haze.

This Barney’s Farm variety is a tribute to liberty – hope is green, freedom is green!

A Herbal Tribute to Liberty

Liberty Haze is not your typical Haze strain. It’s a 60% sativa-dominant hybrid of G13 and ChemDawg 91, two legends in the cannabis world. The plants grow medium-tall, usually not exceeding a meter indoors, and flower fairly quickly within 8-9 weeks.

Barney’s estimates its high indoor yields at up to 600g/m2. With a harvest time in early October under natural light, Liberty Haze is also a suitable outdoor plant. Its elongated, densely packed buds gain weight and often exhibit attractive red to purple hues.

With up to 25% THC, Liberty Haze falls into the category of highly potent strains. Its effect is intense and long-lasting, bringing an initial surge of euphoria. The plant’s aroma is centered around a fresh lemon flavor, with earthy, musky, and skunky notes, and a taste that introduces piney and herbal aspects.

Vigorous Vegetative Growth and Budding Vigour in Early Flowering

The Doc, a fan of classic cannabis genetics, was eager to test Liberty Haze. Two feminized seeds were germinated, both of which grew into healthy, fast-growing seedlings. After 14 days of vegetation, they were repotted into 11-litre containers.

One week later, The Doc reported, “So far, it’s a beautiful, vigorously growing strain with well-built lateral branches. Now that I’ve put them into flower, they’ve arrived at heights of 34 and 39 cm.”

After 28 days into flowering, he continued, “I’m already a fan of this strain! It has proven to be very stable up to now – the two plants are still looking pretty uniform and both blooming like hell after four weeks, with a multitude of burgeoning blossoms having burst open now and released countless white pistils to form most promising young buds. Also, an early dense coating of tiny resin drops is shimmering on the young calyxes and sugar leaves, they’re are pretty sticky already!

Granite-Like Solid Tops with a Sugary Look and Sweet Lemony Scent

Flower formation continued to prosper impressively. After 62 days of blooming and a strong height gain, leaving them at 95 and 110 cm, the two plants were fully ripe. The buds had become fat, juicy, and dense, with a granite-like solidness.

The large-sized head buds were prominently protruding from the center, with a circular plateau of very stately side tops below, marking the lower half of the plants. All of the buds were richly covered in crystalline trichomes, looking as if they had been generously sprinkled with fine sugar grains.

The Doc was enthused, “this gorgeous appearance is gloriously complemented by a scent that is very lemony, indeed, and given its sugary look, it is only fitting that it’s glazed with a big scoop of sweetness. In the background, a pinch of musky spiciness adds subtle complexity to the mix.”

A Formidable Dry Harvest and Olfactory Sophistication

The dried yield weighed in at a combined 195 grams, narrowly scraping past the 100g per plant mark. The Doc was pleased, “a formidable achievement, either way”.

The sweetish lemon scent now aired a bit of earthiness and brought a tinge of black pepper to The Doc’s nose – some serious olfactory sophistication!

The Smoke Test: Liberty Haze Initiates a Mental Rocket Launch

When The Doc test-smoked the buds for the first time, Liberty Haze ignited a kick-start effect. After two hits, a burst of prickling sativa energy washed over him, giving him an euphoric lift. This effect knew only one direction: steeply upwards!

His neck was the launching base and his head the rocket.

He couldn’t sit still a second longer and driven by a strong zest for action started to finally fold a big pile of washed clothes and put it into the wardrobe. After about an hour, he eventually got tired of that and began to unwind.

Also, Liberty Haze turned out to be as much tasty as it was pleasantly potent, with a sourly lemon zest refreshing his taste buds, an initial sweetness pampering his palate and a prolonged earthy piney aftertaste lingering in his mouth.

“Another champion strain from Barney’s Farm that impressively delivered across the board”, The Doc summed up his experience. “And a strain that, for a change, isn’t based on so-called trend genetics but legendary old-school building blocks – which is something I’m always happily up for”, the grow veteran said with a smile

GeneticsLiberty Haze (G13 x ChemDawg 91)
Vegetative stagethree weeks (after germination)
Flowering stage62 days / 60-65 days in general
MediumPlagron Grow Mix soil, 11 litre pots
EC1.2–1.8 mS
Lightup to 8 x SANlight Q6W = 1720 watts
Air humidity40-60%
Wateringby hand
FertilisationOrganic Bloom Liquid from Green Buzz Liquids
Additives/stimulantsLiving Organics, More Roots, Humin Säure Plus, Big Fruits, Fast Buds and Clean Fruits from Green Buzz Liquids
ToolsPlagron Grow Mix soil, 11 litre pots
Height95 + 110 cm
Yieldtogether, 195 g

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