How would you describe the experience of being high?

The realm of cannabis is replete with intrigue, diversity, and above all, an unparalleled experience of ‘being high.’ But what does it really mean to be high?

Is it just a feeling, a state of mind, or an entire journey? This post explores the multifaceted aspects of the high experience, taking you on a voyage through the mystical haze of cannabis-induced euphoria.

Journey to the Origin: Understanding the ‘High’

Before unraveling the details of being high, let’s understand its roots. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a primary active compound in cannabis, is the key architect of the high experience.

It binds with the body’s endocannabinoid system, triggering a variety of physical and psychological effects. It’s this intriguing interaction that creates the sensation we’ve come to know as ‘being high.’

The Onset: Embarking on the High Journey

The initial moments of the high can be subtle, often starting as a warm, tingling sensation coursing through the body. As the THC makes its way to your brain, you might feel an uplifting rush, a gentle wave of euphoria washing over you.

The world seems a tad bit brighter, and a sense of heightened awareness might dawn, making you perceive things with newfound clarity and interest.

The Peak: The Zenith of Euphoria

As the high intensifies, reaching its peak, the experience becomes more pronounced and personal. A sense of deep relaxation and tranquility can envelop you, an inner calm like the quiet after a storm.

At the same time, your mind may start painting vibrant pictures, fueled by enhanced imagination and creativity. You might find yourself lost in a torrent of thoughts, ideas, and introspection, making everyday mundane seem fascinating.

Physiological Changes: Body under the Influence

Being high isn’t merely a mental journey; it also brings about physical alterations. A rush of relaxation can flood your body, making your limbs feel heavy yet oddly comfortable.

You might notice your heart rate quicken slightly, a dryness in your mouth, and your eyes taking on a reddish hue. An increased appetite, often known as the ‘munchies,’ might also make its presence felt.

Time Dilation: A Unique Perception

One of the more intriguing aspects of being high is the altered perception of time. What may seem like hours might just be a few minutes in reality.

This distortion, while sometimes disorienting, can also offer an opportunity to immerse oneself fully in the moment, making every minute count.

The Afterglow: The Waning Moments

As the high begins to recede, you may feel a lingering sense of contentment, a relaxed state of mind and body.

This phase, known as the ‘afterglow,’ can leave you feeling tranquil and at ease, making the transition back to sobriety a gentle slope rather than a sudden drop.

The High Experience: A Personal Journey

Despite these common themes, it’s essential to remember that the experience of being high is deeply personal and can vary greatly.

Factors such as the strain consumed, the method of consumption, personal tolerance, and mindset can influence your experience.

A Tapestry of Experiences

Being high is not just about altered states; it’s a symphony of experiences that engage your senses, challenge your perceptions, and awaken your consciousness.

The journey from the initial rush to the lingering afterglow is a unique adventure that continues to captivate and intrigue.

As you navigate through the ever-evolving world of cannabis, remember to enjoy the ride, one high at a time!

What does a cannabis scientist say about being high?

Thoughts from Dr Bob.

Dr Bob Melamede had some things to say about this topic. Check out this video. May he rest in peace.

“First of all, we all have certain perception, certain awareness, and whether we are happier or sadder depends on us, our environment, our genetics, etc. So, cannabis just shifts that level. What does that really mean though? You know, what’s really going on?

Well, we know we have these cannabinoid receptors permeating our body, regulating everything in our body, and they’re doing that by virtue of the information that we take in through our senses. Parts of our brain sample those signals with a certain degree of periodicity.

So when you’re high, what happens is it actually increases the sampling rate so that in a second of time, you’ve actually taken more little pieces of information than you would under other circumstances, under non-high circumstances. And what that effectively does is, it stretches out time.

If normally you have five events in a second, and now you have five events in a half second, you’ll have twice that much in one second. So, you have more happening in a unit of time. Well, this is what gives you the enhanced sensitivity, the enhanced creativity, because you’re not so wired down a path. There’s more fluidity in all of those little extra pieces that you’re getting coming in.”

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